“Teena, what are some common French acronyms?”
Excellent question, George! Thank you for writing to me :-)
Here are the ones I’m familiar with and even though I haven’t needed to use the other common acronyms, I thought they might be helpful when reading books or websites:
- BCBG bon chic bon genre = Preppy
- BD Bande Dessinée = comics/comic book
- BP boîte postale = post office box (P.O. Box)
- CB carte bleue, carte bancaire = credit/ debit card
- CIE compagnie = company (Co.)
- CV curriculum vitae = résumé
- DAB distributeur automatique de billets = ATM (automated teller machine)
- ÉU États-Unis = United States (U.S.)
- Go giga octet = GB (gigabyte)
- h Heure = o’clock
- HT hors taxe = subtotal excluding tax/ tax not included
- Mo mega octet = MB (megabyte)
- ONG organisation non gouvernementale = NGO (non-government organization)
- ONU Organisation des Nations unies = UN (United Nations)
- OVNI Objet volant non identifié = UFO (unidentified flying object)
- PDG président-directeur général = CEO (chief executive officer)
- PIB produit intérieur brut = GDP (gross domestic product)
- PME Petite ou Moyenne Entreprise = Small or Medium sized Enterprise (SME)
- RATP Régie autonome des transports parisiens = Paris public transportation authority (métro and bus)
- rdc rez-de-chaussée = ground floor/1st floor
- RER Réseau express régional = high speed train service between Paris and the suburbs
- RF la République française = The French Republic
- rdv rendez-vous = date, meeting
- SA société anonyme = Joint-stock company; similar to Inc. (incorporated)
- SAMU secours d’aide médicale d’urgence = ambulance
- SARL société à responsabilité limitée = Ltd (limited liability company)
- SIDA syndrome immunodéficitaire acquis = AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
- SVP s’il vous plaît = Please
Do you have any French acronyms you’d like to share?
Post in the Comments below, thanks for sharing :-)
Has this list of common French acronyms helped?
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Enjoy your armchair travel in Paris via my website, or if you’re planning your trip or are already there — have a fabulous time!
I love Paris! XOXOX
Teena Hughes in Australia
Tags: french acronyms, rdv, svp, teena hughes
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