Posts Tagged ‘rdv’

What are some common French acronyms?

What are some common French acronyms?

“Teena, what are some common French acronyms?”

Excellent question, George! Thank you for writing to me :-)

Here are the ones I’m familiar with and even though I haven’t needed to use the other common acronyms, I thought they might be helpful when reading books or websites:

  1. BCBG bon chic bon genre = Preppy
  2. BD Bande Dessinée = comics/comic book
  3. BP boîte postale = post office box (P.O. Box)
  4. CB carte bleue, carte bancaire = credit/ debit card
  5. CIE compagnie = company (Co.)
  6. CV curriculum vitae = résumé
  7. DAB distributeur automatique de billets = ATM (automated teller machine)
  8. ÉU États-Unis = United States (U.S.)
  9. Go giga octet = GB (gigabyte)
  10. h Heure = o’clock
  11. HT hors taxe = subtotal excluding tax/ tax not included
  12. Mo mega octet = MB (megabyte)
  13. ONG organisation non gouvernementale = NGO (non-government organization)
  14. ONU Organisation des Nations unies = UN (United Nations)
  15. OVNI Objet volant non identifié = UFO (unidentified flying object)
  16. PDG président-directeur général = CEO (chief executive officer)
  17. PIB produit intérieur brut = GDP (gross domestic product)
  18. PME Petite ou Moyenne Entreprise = Small or Medium sized Enterprise (SME)
  19. RATP Régie autonome des transports parisiens = Paris public transportation authority (métro and bus)
  20. rdc rez-de-chaussée = ground floor/1st floor
  21. RER Réseau express régional = high speed train service between Paris and the suburbs
  22. RF la République française = The French Republic
  23. rdv rendez-vous = date, meeting
  24. SA société anonyme = Joint-stock company; similar to Inc. (incorporated)
  25. SAMU secours d’aide médicale d’urgence = ambulance
  26. SARL société à responsabilité limitée = Ltd (limited liability company)
  27. SIDA syndrome immunodéficitaire acquis = AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
  28. SVP s’il vous plaît = Please

Do you have any French acronyms you’d like to share?

Post in the Comments below, thanks for sharing :-)

Has this list of common French acronyms helped?

Please do let me know if you have any questions or feel like a chat.

Please do :

Enjoy your armchair travel in Paris via my website, or if you’re planning your trip or are already there — have a fabulous time!

I love Paris! XOXOX

Teena signature

Teena Hughes in Australia