03/05/24 by Paris-Travel | 2018, Adventure, Blog, Paris Adventures, Website | Comments Off on Over 40s Lazy Adventure in Paris 2024
Join me for the Over 40s Lazy Adventure in Paris
This Over 40s Lazy Adventure in Paris is for people who don’t want to rush around Paris like mad tourists — hot, tired, exhausted – and looking to get away from other tourists.

Photos all © Teena Hughes – A-Night-in-Paris 2008-2009
2024 — Dates: September – October (to be confirmed)
Here’s the scenario:
You want to visit Paris but you don’t feel like buzzing from tourist attraction to tourist attraction, constantly travelling on public transport, getting sore feet with all the constant walking, getting jostled in the crowds, perhaps even feeling out of place.
This is my daydream of being in Paris, spanning a couple of days:
- be met by a mini-bus at the airport who’ll take you to your hotel
- enjoy a Champagne Cruise on the River Seine the first night, and a Welcome Dinner in a delightful restaurant
- have late breakfasts
- do a bit of shopping
- have morning and afternoon teas in cute French tea salons
- maybe see a movie or wander down a delightful street in “hidden Paris” far from the tourist crowd
- take a barge cruise under and around Paris for a couple of hours
- drop into a pub you’ve walking past in the afternoons for a refreshing beer, glass of wine or a cocktail
- and then have a lovely dinner with lots of laughter whilst getting to know the other people sharing the same adventure
- on the last evening we’ll have a celebratory Farewell Dinner
- after breakfast the next morning, you’re free to use the Airport Bus already arranged for you, or head off to more adventures of your own.
Sound like the type of relaxing break you’d like?
We’ll do a smaller version of this dream :-)
Please note:
- there will be no visits to the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre or any other tourist destination
- there will be no standing in queues for any touristy thing – ever, ok?
- there will be no running, rushing or being out of breath
- there will be no stressful metro, instead we’ll use buses and taxis, barges and boats
- there will be lazy walking, strolling, sitting in lots of cafes and restaurants, enjoyable laughter and a general sense of well-being all-round – are you ready for that?
- Good, now let’s have some lazy fun!
What’s included in this One Day Adventure?
There are a variety of ways to fill our day, please choose one of these potential settings:
Meet and greet coffee or tea is included in a delightful Paris cafe
- 3 hours on a Barge Cruise which goes around and UNDER Paris
- having fun whilst exploring the hidden Paris
- visiting several of the ancient covered Passages
- having an adventure in a classic French car, the 2CV (Deux Chevaux, 2 Horse)
Price for 2024 … $US (to be confirmed shortly)
The Lazy Paris Adventure lasts for one Day, and the choice of Settings will be decidedd before we meet.
Dates: September – October (to be confirmed shortly)
What’s not included?
- Your expenses in getting to Paris.
- Accommodation in a Paris hotel (which may include breakfasts at the hotel)
- Meals, drinks and all other expenses not included above.
Want to know more about the Over 40s Lazy Adventure in Paris?
If you’re interested in this lazy relaxing way to see just a little bit of Paris, please do contact me today – ask me your questions, and join in the Adventure!
Want to see the other Adventures I host while I’m in Paris? Pop over to the Adventures page >>
I look forward to hanging around and taking it easy with you :-)
Above: the Lazy Paris Barge Cruise
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to share on
Facebook or anywhere you like (click one of the little icons on this page). PS — I’d love to hear from you!

Teena Hughes, Australian who loves Paris :-)
01/22/24 by Paris-Travel | Blog, Paris Adventures | Comments Off on Things I do differently after living in France

What do I do differently after living in France?
When I left Australia for a six week holiday many years ago, I had no idea I would end up in Paris, stay there for 3 years, and pine for her every day since I left.
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09/12/23 by Paris-Travel | 2CV, Attraction, Blog, Paris Tours, Tours | Comments Off on 2CV Tours Paris
Looking for 2CV Tours Paris And Surrounds?

Photo via Viator.com
So you’ve seen 2CV Tours Paris – but you have NO idea what “2CV” means, right?
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09/12/23 by Paris-Travel | Blog, Jazz, Music | Comments Off on Paris Jazz Club

Looking for Paris Jazz Clubs?
I’ve heard of one in the 11th arrondissement, and will check it out on my next visit:
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08/24/23 by Paris-Travel | 2024, Blog, Calendar, Website | Comments Off on 2024 Paris Calendars A4 and A5

2024 Paris Calendars A4 and A5
Are you looking for a 2024 Calendar to go with your love of Paris, or to give as gifts to friends and family who love Paris?
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08/23/23 by Paris-Travel | Barber, Blog, Nail salon, Paris France, Paris Shopping, Q and A, Shopping | Comments Off on Where can I find a Barber Shop in Paris?

Wondering where to find a Barber Shop in Paris?
Your search to find a barber shop in Paris is over! This one has 3 barber shops, view locations on the map above.
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08/17/23 by Paris-Travel | 75011, A Day in Paris, Blog, Website | Comments Off on Sausage Rolls and Pork Pies in Paris

Looking for Sausage Rolls and Pork Pies in Paris?
Be still my beating heart!
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07/27/22 by Paris-Travel | 2023, Blog, Calendar, Website | Comments Off on Paris Calendar 2023

Looking for a cool end-of-year Paris Calendar for Quarter 4 of 2023?
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08/24/21 by Paris-Travel | Blog, Texting in French, Website | Comments Off on How to SMS in French – how to use textos with your French friends

Wondering how to SMS in French?
Here are some simple tips for how to use textos with your French friends – how to SMS in French.
Some of these are slang, so be warned.
I got some of these from my friend Frederic in Paris from our recent emails :-)
Typing “Hello”
- slt (salut),
- bjr (bonjour)
Tyimg “Please”
- stp (s’il te plaît),
- svp (s’il vous plaît)
Typing “That’s to say …”
Typing “Later” / “See you later”
Typing “Why”
Typing “Where are you?”
Typing “I love you”
Does this list help show you how to SMS in French?
Or do you have other examples you’d like to share?
Great! Please do let me know :-)
And don’t forget – please do let me know if you have any other questions or feel like a chat.
Please do :
Enjoy your armchair travel in Paris via my website, or if you’re planning your trip or are already there — have a fabulous time!
I love Paris! XOXOX

Teena Hughes in Australia
08/18/21 by Paris-Travel | Blog, French Phrases Menu, French translation, Speak French | Comments Off on What are some common French acronyms?

“Teena, what are some common French acronyms?”
Excellent question, George! Thank you for writing to me :-)
Here are the ones I’m familiar with and even though I haven’t needed to use the other common acronyms, I thought they might be helpful when reading books or websites:
- BCBG bon chic bon genre = Preppy
- BD Bande Dessinée = comics/comic book
- BP boîte postale = post office box (P.O. Box)
- CB carte bleue, carte bancaire = credit/ debit card
- CIE compagnie = company (Co.)
- CV curriculum vitae = résumé
- DAB distributeur automatique de billets = ATM (automated teller machine)
- ÉU États-Unis = United States (U.S.)
- Go giga octet = GB (gigabyte)
- h Heure = o’clock
- HT hors taxe = subtotal excluding tax/ tax not included
- Mo mega octet = MB (megabyte)
- ONG organisation non gouvernementale = NGO (non-government organization)
- ONU Organisation des Nations unies = UN (United Nations)
- OVNI Objet volant non identifié = UFO (unidentified flying object)
- PDG président-directeur général = CEO (chief executive officer)
- PIB produit intérieur brut = GDP (gross domestic product)
- PME Petite ou Moyenne Entreprise = Small or Medium sized Enterprise (SME)
- RATP Régie autonome des transports parisiens = Paris public transportation authority (métro and bus)
- rdc rez-de-chaussée = ground floor/1st floor
- RER Réseau express régional = high speed train service between Paris and the suburbs
- RF la République française = The French Republic
- rdv rendez-vous = date, meeting
- SA société anonyme = Joint-stock company; similar to Inc. (incorporated)
- SAMU secours d’aide médicale d’urgence = ambulance
- SARL société à responsabilité limitée = Ltd (limited liability company)
- SIDA syndrome immunodéficitaire acquis = AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
- SVP s’il vous plaît = Please
Do you have any French acronyms you’d like to share?
Post in the Comments below, thanks for sharing :-)
Has this list of common French acronyms helped?
Please do let me know if you have any questions or feel like a chat.
Please do :
Enjoy your armchair travel in Paris via my website, or if you’re planning your trip or are already there — have a fabulous time!
I love Paris! XOXOX

Teena Hughes in Australia
02/06/21 by Paris-Travel | Blog, Plus Size, Plus Size Paris, Website | Comments Off on Plus size clothing rental in Paris

Searching for Plus Size Clothing Rental?
Are you heading to Paris for a special occasion but don’t have the budget to buy something fabulous and fashionable to wear on your special day?
Don’t despair!
I can’t guarantee you’ll find clothing to fit, but I can offer some suggestions:
- rent something before you leave home and head to Paris; depending on the length of your stay, this might be a cost-effective solution if you’re only going for a few days
- check out the Plus Size stores in Paris – ONLINE – and look for the “sales” (called “SOLDES” in French); you may find something suitable so contact the store via email or social, and start a conversation. You’ll be able to book and pay online – but I’d rather pay a small deposit until I could try something on in my hotel room or their store in Paris. Sign up for the Newsletters for each site so you’ll know when the Sales are on.
More suggestions and articles about clothing rental in Paris:
It might be hard to believe but there ARE a couple of places in the City of Love and Light where you can rent clothing and accessories
At this time I do not know whether they have any Plus Size, but it’s worth a visit or a phone call while you’re in Paris.
- Starting at €50 for 2 days, dry-cleaning and delivery included.
- 101 Boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris
- Beaurow.com

Do you know of any Plus size clothing rental in Paris?
I’d love to hear from you – I’ll add new locations to this list, to help everyone. How can you help?
Enjoy your armchair travel in Paris via my website, or if you’re planning your trip or are already there — have a fabulous time!
I love Paris! J’adore Paris ! XOXOX

Teena Hughes in Australia
09/27/20 by Paris-Travel | Blog, Website | Comments Off on COVID-19 in Paris September 2020
Before travelling to Paris, it is essential to find out all you can about the rules and regulations:
- from your own country and whether or not travel is possible
- from the French Government
- as to whether they are allowing tourists to enter the country
- as to the rules regarding wearing facemasks out in public
- regarding whether eateries are open for customers in cafes, restaurants etc
- regarding all other activities outside the home or other accommodation.
In regard to masks, this image from the French Government website shows the level of protection from “none” (on the left), to “better” on the right.
The title in red translates to:
Let’s protect ourselves, let’s all wear masks

For more information about dealing with COVID-19 and Restrictions, please visit the Government website:
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