When I left Australia for a six week holiday many years ago, I had no idea I would end up in Paris, stay there for 3 years, and pine for her every day since I left.
Today’s your lucky day :D I was thinking I’d like my own naughty Paris coffee mug, so came up with a few ideas – let me know if you’d like to suggest any others.
Imagine finding these on the kitchen bench OR your office desk every morning :D
11 oz Ceramic mug
Dishwasher and microwave safe
Multiple Coffee Mug Sayings
Bonjour Bitches
Bonjour Asshole
Bonjour Ta Gueule S’il Te Plait (Shut up! Please!)
Sturdy Packaging for Shipping
Left AND Right Handed Mugs :-)
What’s so great about owning a naughty Paris coffee mug?
These cheeky coffee mugs feature charming and witty phrases using French and English words guaranteed to add a dose of humour and “joie de vivre” (joy of life) to your morning routine.
Drinking from one is sure to result in an immediate smile, or even a good chuckle – and you don’t want to miss out on THAT! :-)
Comments from Happy Coffee Mug Owners:
“Sipping from my cheeky mug never fails to start my morning off with a smile. The charming sayings and witty phrases are a delightful pick-me-up to go along with my coffee.”
“Each time I use my hilarious coffee mug, I’m reminded of my fabulous friend who gave me this gift – they know I love Paris, they know I am naughty, and their ability to find such a ‘me’ present is why I adore them!”
“Even on the most hectic days, grabbing my favourite cheeky Frenchified mug full of amazing rich flavourful latte made with Italian robusta coffee beans helps me keep perspective (with a smile and a laugh). I might have bought this for myself, but it feels like having a certain someone’s playful sense of humor right there with me.”
“What a clever way to spread laughter! This was the perfect surprise gift from a dear friend, and I’m still laughing every time I look at it! I’ll have to pay the cleverness forward by finding an even better, clever gift to make my friend laugh too!”
“The daily dose of irreverence from my coffee mug’s quips infuses my routine with unexpected laughter. Using it brings me spontaneous grins whenever I need them most. Its charm and cheekiness never fail to hit the spot!”
Got questions or comments about my naughty coffee mugs?
Please do let me know, I’d love to hear from you!
Got any requests for other words?? Fantastic! I’d love to hear about them. Please do let me know:
record an audio for me – use the big button on the right of this web page
Excellent question, George! Thank you for writing to me :-)
Here are the ones I’m familiar with and even though I haven’t needed to use the other common acronyms, I thought they might be helpful when reading books or websites:
BCBG bon chic bon genre = Preppy
BD Bande Dessinée = comics/comic book
BP boîte postale = post office box (P.O. Box)
CB carte bleue, carte bancaire = credit/ debit card
CIE compagnie = company (Co.)
CV curriculum vitae = résumé
DAB distributeur automatique de billets = ATM (automated teller machine)
ÉU États-Unis = United States (U.S.)
Go giga octet = GB (gigabyte)
h Heure = o’clock
HT hors taxe = subtotal excluding tax/ tax not included
Mo mega octet = MB (megabyte)
ONG organisation non gouvernementale = NGO (non-government organization)
ONU Organisation des Nations unies = UN (United Nations)
OVNI Objet volant non identifié = UFO (unidentified flying object)
PDG président-directeur général = CEO (chief executive officer)
PIB produit intérieur brut = GDP (gross domestic product)
PME Petite ou Moyenne Entreprise = Small or Medium sized Enterprise (SME)
RATP Régie autonome des transports parisiens = Paris public transportation authority (métro and bus)
rdc rez-de-chaussée = ground floor/1st floor
RER Réseau express régional = high speed train service between Paris and the suburbs
RF la République française = The French Republic
rdv rendez-vous = date, meeting
SA société anonyme = Joint-stock company; similar to Inc. (incorporated)
I woke this morning here at the beach near Brisbane, Australia about 6:30am, walked out to my desk to charge my iPhone, and saw I’d missed a message from my friend Helen in the UK.
I was NOT prepared for what I read!
“Notre Dame is on fire!!”
I ran to turn on the TV and it was on the news — as I looked on, I was in total shock, and started crying.
This beautiful Cathedral has lived through 850 years of wars and all kinds of other hardships and devastations, and survived.
Recently she had been feeling a bit fragile, and desperately needed some work to keep her going; she was surrounded by scaffolding as the work crews started a daunting task.
I don’t know how the fire started, possibly something to do with the renovation, whatever the reason it is a miracle that there is any of it left.
And such a miracle that no-one was hurt or perished, for that I am truly grateful.
This has been a sad, sad day for Paris, for my friends, and all the people visiting Paris at the moment — my heart goes out to everyone, and I’m sending all my love and hugs across the kilometres.
On the other side of the coin, something I am so, so thrilled about is that I’ve spent some amazing summer days and evenings in and near Notre Dame over several decades, and I have wonderful videos and photos of me with friends right outside her doors.
Are you celebrating Mothers Day in Paris this year? How absolutely marvellous!
There are so many wonderful things to do, from picnics in the park, to special lunches and dinners in restaurants, to relaxing with family and friends just about anywhere!
Here are a few places to whet your whistle for things to see and do:
If you’re celebrating Mothers Day i Paris, what a special treat :-)
There are so many wonderful things to do, from picnics in the park, to special lunches and dinners in restaurants, to relaxing with family and friends just about anywhere!
Here are a few places to whet your whistle for things to see and do: