Posts Tagged ‘croissant’

French breakfast in Australia with Teena Hughes

French breakfast in Australia with Teena Hughes

What do I wish I had more of right now?

French breakfast in Australia – being Frenchified for 15 minutes!

That’s right! Lots more of them!

More, “Petit dejeuner francais en Australie!”

When I lived in Paris (and when I’m there for my six-week visits almost every year, living like a Parisienne), I totally embrace what I consider to be the French breakfast lifestyle.

OK, it might not be what all local French folks do, but to me it’s quintessentially French, and I love my breakfasts.

Croissants and coffee.  GOOD coffee. EXCELLENT croissants.

Oh how I miss them!

Well I do make a fantastic cafe latte (and have done for years), but finding a FABULOUS croissant in Australia is not easy at all. Trust me, I’ve EATEN a lot of croissants, in fact a new “French” cafe opened near me recently and when I took a bite of the croissant, I was so disappointed. Full of air (hollow), no crunch outside, no flavour.

The best solution! A local FRENCH BAKER!

So when I found a fabulous French baker (who introduced himself in French as Steve) at my local Sunday markets in my little beachside village across from Moreton Bay, I was over the moon! So, so happy!

The croissants feel perfect!

They taste perfect!

Incroyable! Incredible!

So in the photo above, you can see the croissants I bought yesterday, which I heated in the oven this morning. The crunchy outside, the flaky outside pastry, the delicious interior – fantastique!

Steve’s secrets to the perfect French croissant:

  1. he’s French :-)
  2. the butter is French (essential!)
  3. the flour is French (essential!)
  4. he knows exactly how to make the perfect croissant.

So now I’m going to visit Steve on as many Sundays as I can in this little seaside village east of Brisbane (Australia), and buy some croissants so I can have at least ONE French breakfast in Australia each week.

What about you, have you found the perfect French food near where you live outside France? Let me know in the Comments below or pop over to the Facebook page to chat :-)

Ciao ciao for now! Talk soon,

Teena signature


Teena Hughes

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French Festivals in Australia

  • – Brisbane
  • – Gold Coast