Travel Tip for postcard address

30 August 2009
Travel Tip for postcard address

Travel tip - use return address labels on postcards
In a previous tip you read about the Travel Tip for addressing your postcards, and in this Travel Tip I’m going to talk about your RETURN address.

I’ve been an adventurer and travelled to far away lands over many years; from Alaska in the north to the bottom of Australia, and many points inbetween :-)

I’ve sent more postcards than I can count, and as much as I’d like to say every single one arrived … they didn’t.

Over the years I’ve worked out ways to help my postcards arrive, one of which is putting my OWN return address on them.

Travel tip - use return address labels on postcards

This might sound crazy to some, but if for any reason whatsoever your postcard can’t be delivered, the post office will try to send it back from whence it came.

Now I understand that as travellers we would rarely think to put our return address on a postcard or letter sent while we’re on holidays, but let’s think about this …

If your return address WAS on the postcard or letter, and for any reason it couldn’t be delivered to the address you wanted, then it will be RETURNED to your home address … even while you’re still travelling.

There could be many reasons why it didn’t reach its destination, and this just helps it get back to you, so you can deliver it or resend it when you get home.  Works like a charm!

So I always take RETURN ADDRESS stickers with me, and sometimes trim them so they don’t take up too much real estate space on the postcard :-)

I always write FROM: beside the label, and TO: on the address of the friend it’s going to. Sometimes I’ll even draw a circle around the address of the recipient so it stands out more, or if I have coloured pens or highighters, I’ll use those too.

I have another travel tip for RETURN ADDRESS LABELS which you can read here >>

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