Location: 5 place des Ternes, 75017 PARIS
Open: Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm, & Saturday
Metro: Ternes
One of my all-time favourite adventures is finding great coffee at Cafe Kimbo de Napoli in Paris’ 17th Arrondissement.
I was on a mission in Paris – find fabulous delicious Italian coffee with thick and creamy hot fresh milk! After talking to friends and searching for articles and blogs on great coffee, I was told about a sign seen from a bus … my friend Gabrielle was on her way to work and spotted something which sounded like an Italian cafe.
Could we be so lucky? Had we found a fabulous new place to visit where we could reminisce about other fabulous Italian coffees we’d had in Sydney and Melbourne? We decided to meet and check it out, a.s.a.p.
Located in the up-market part of town in Place des Ternes, this cute-as-a-button cafe is squeezed between two stores, and is very easy to miss. The first day I visited was a rainy day in June 2007, with the flower sellers’ displays jazzing up the scene of hot rainbows of colour in an otherwise grey day. Walking past the florist stalls and crossing the narrow one-way street [well, dodging traffic really] I spotted the sign and popped into this delicious jewel of a cafe. My friend had already arrived, and our questions started pouring out, with our fingers crossed and hoping for a miracle …
“Do you have real Italian coffee??”
“Is it Arabica??”
“Is it strong??”
“Do you use fresh milk??”
“Have you ever heard of a latte??”
The wonderful cheery barista smiled her gorgeous smile, answered “Yes!” [well, actually she said, “Oui!”] to all our questions, and we were in heaven :-)
Perfect service, delightful coffee-related gifts, delicious pastries and cakes [depending on the time of day] and real Italian espresso made from freshly ground beans, served with steaming hot fresh milk.
Our coffees were served with chilled water on the side, presented on a cute little tray, which you can see in the photo above.
Well worth the visit, I highly recommend it to everyone – Caffe Kimbo de Napoli – one of the best coffees in Paris!