Finding the location of public toilets in Paris is easy!
The location of public toilets in Paris is — everywhere! On this great Paris website you can find them by arrondissement / suburb (district), from the 1st / 1ere / 75001 / Premier to the 20th / 20eme / 75020 / Vingtieme.
They’re called “sanisettes” and they are modern 21st Century self-cleaning, grey space pods which easily blend into their surroundings – you might not even realise they ARE toilets. There are 400 in Paris, and great news! They’re also wheelchair-friendly (I’ve been told) or at least accessible for the disabled.
They’re open between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. and can be found near major tourist spots, food markets and taxi stands.
Click this link to view the website with all the locations >>
Every time someone uses a “sanisettes,” then exits, the automatic door closes and it’s like it’s taking a shower :-)
The toilet bowl and floor are automatically cleaned, dried and disinfected.
Inside you’ll find coat hooks, a mirror and a handbasin, with natural lighting coming through the roof, and they use a reduced amount of water with renewable energy-source electricity.
How cool these public toilets are also eco-friendly and doing their bit for the planet — on flush at a time :-)