Posts Tagged ‘addresses’

Travel Tip for sending postcards

Travel Tip for sending postcards

I love sending postcards when I’m travelling, and today’s travel tip for sending postcards is going to make it easy for you – and it has two parts.

Travel Tip for Sending Postcards #1

Before you leave home on your big adventure to Paris (or Sydney, Suez, Scandinavia or Sarawak), type up the names and addresses of people you’d like to write to – straight onto a sticky label or address label layout on your computer.

Simply print this onto the sticky labels, and take it with you.

You can even use labels with images, or add your own.

Travel tip for sending postcards from Paris France (image)

Depending on how long you’re travelling, you might like to duplicate some of the names etc to create more than one label per person.

If you haven’t used all the labels by the time you get back home, you can use them to send birthday cards, Christmas cards etc – an added bonus :-)

Travel Tip for Sending Postcards #2

Now I don’t know if anyone else will think this is a good idea, but I ALWAYS take sticky labels with me which have my HOME details printed on them.  I can use these on the postcards [making sure to trim them and write FROM so the postman won’t get confused :-) ] and I can also give them to people I meet along the way … I always carry a notebook so I can put their stickers straight into my book and make a note of the date and place we met.

Of course these days many people have smartphones, so they can use Apps to share their details – but my tip is a bit more “old school” :-)

Read more about my Travel Tip for postcard address using sticky labels here >>

Do you have your own travel tip for sending postcards?

I’d love to hear it, post a message and I’ll put it on this page :-)