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In searching famous French food menu options, I thought I’d take photos of the menus themselves – to jog my memory when I got home.
Today I thought it would be a great idea to post those photos here – and there are a variety of menus to choose from, ranging from simple salads to frogs’ legs :-)
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Some typical famous French food choices are baguette, croques monsieurs, croques madames, bread, chocolate croissants, paté, cheese, souffles, sandwiches, crepes, quiche, French onion soup, Chateaubriand and couscou.

In the photo above are the French words “cuisses de grenouille” – frogs’ thighs, or as we say in English – frogs’ legs. It’s offered with ‘petite salade verte aux noix’ which translates to a small green salad with nuts, and at 16 Euro is a reasonable sum to pay.

In the photo above you can see the menu is broken down into sections – first is the ENTREE meaning the ‘entry’ to the meal or the Starter (and not to be confused with America’s interpretation of the word “Entree” – meaning” main meal” in the USA and Canada I think). Second is LES PLATS (loosely translated to The Plates) means the main course. Third section is LA SELECTION DE FROMAGES means A Selection of Cheese; and the fourth and final course is LES DESSERTS – easily translated into The Desserts.
One choice for the desserts which I’ll translate for you is: “Crumble aux pommes et raisins rotis” – meaning “Apple crumble with roasted raisins” – yum!

I like this menu above :
One Crepe of your choice (pick one of the following):
– Nutella (chocolate spread)
– Sugar
– Whipped cream
– Jam
+ One Hot Drink = 5.50 Euro – a bargain!

In the photo above the café’s name is UN VERRE DE VIN – A Glass Of Wine. The item LAPIN CHASSEUR is a rabbit dish cooked with wine – probably red I would think. The final item on the list is SALADE AUX FRUITS (pronounced “Sal-ahhd aw froo-ee”) and translates to Fruit Salad.

The lovely sign-board showing a famous French food menu above invites us in after work to drink a carafe (jug) of wine accompanied by some tapas – sounds perfect!! They offer ‘Beaujolais for the red wine’ and ‘Macon for the white’.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these menus – I find it fascinating to see what people eat in other countries and Paris is such a melting-pot of cultures there are many wonderful cuisines to try. Enjoy yourself!
Looking for somewhere interesting and inexpensive to eat? Pop into a Museum Cafe or Restaurant.
Typical French Food
Bread/Le Pain
Croque Monsieur
French Onion Soup
Fresh juice
Tea/Thé Salons