Wondering where to eat? Try Brasseries in Paris
For the top brasseries Paris has to offer, visit those listed here for a real French experience.
You’ll be able to see, feel and smell the real Parisienne essence. With their own personalities and offering their own specialities [often regional], you’ll be able to find one which will become your favourite, I’m sure.
To find fantastic venues with delicious food surrounded by wonderful Art Nouveau decor, don’t forget to visit at least one of these brasseries, Paris restaurants and bars. Read about what to eat – crepes, chateaubriand, French onion soup etc.

You might also like to read what we have on our wine tasting page.
Pied de Cochon : Brasseries in Paris – my favourite!
When I first lived in Paris, the Pied de Cochon was the place I would go to with friends after a night of cocktails. It was an absolute must, and I loved it, and still do to this day.
Amazingly the ovens of the Pied de Cochon have stayed hot ever since 1946 – now there’s a record to beat! The terrace extends into an open-plan kitchen in the picturesque pedestrian walkway. Opposite the St Eustache church and near the Georges Pompidou centre, this wonderful old Parisian restaurant/brasserie is an institution, one you cannot afford to miss.
6, rue Coquillière – 75001 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 40 13 77 0
Metro: Les Halles
District : Chatelet
Price Range : 25-40 Euro
La Coupole
Another truly Parisian must-see institutions, is La Coupole which opened in 1927. SThe restaurant has seating space for 450, and is diviced into sections by wonderful columns topped by fabulous paintings. Specialising in seafood, you can also find cozy intimate corners for your dining pleasure.
102, bd du Montparnasse, 75014 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 43 20 14 20
Metro: Vavin (4)
District : Montparnasse
Price Range : 25-40 Euro
Brasserie Flo
Hidden away under a porchway in a paved courtyard, Brasserie Flo is a place you’ll never forget. Well known as the first brasserie to captivate Jean Paul Bucher, it continues to retain the flavour of Alsace. The foie gras is divine and melts in your mouth, the beer is excellent. The delightful and cosy interior provides a warm welcome – perfect for a nice lunch or dinner. PS – please remember that Flo Brasserie is located in a courtyard and is not accessible by taxis.
7, cour des Petites Ecuries 75010
Tel : 33 (0)1 47 70 13 59
Metro: Strasbourg Denis
District : Grands Boulevards
Price Range : 25-40 Euro
This Parisian brasserie has often seen history in the making. In 1864, l’Alsace set up its first beer pump in Paris. Frédéric Bofinger established a small restaurant, which rapidly gained a reputation for the quality of its sauerkraut. And he served beer on tap – unheard of in Paris. As was the glass dome ceiling illuminating the main dining room, a masterpiece by Neret and Royer.
5-7, rue de la Bastille 75004 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 42 72 87 82
Metro: Bastille 1,8,5)
District : Bastille
Price Range : 25-40 Euro
Boeuf sur le Toit
Just off the Champs Elysees Avenue, this mythical restaurant is still visited by the Parisian intellectual elite. In the nineteen-thirties, this restaurant became one of the centres for jazz in Paris. The dance of waiters in this Art Deco restaurant is unique. Certainly one of the best Brasserie in Champs Elysees district.
34, rue du Colisée 75008 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 53 93 65 55
Metro: P du Roule (8)
District : Champs Elysees
Price Range : 25-40 Euro
Chez Jenny
In 1930, Robert Jenny owned a stall selling sauerkraut, sausages and beer. This native of Strasbourg noted the popularity of his good quality products from Alsace, and set about establishing himself in Paris. An old dame, this brasserie has its beginnings way back in 1932. Chez Jenny brasserie has always provided a truly wonderful atmosphere of Alsace.
39, Bld du Temple 75003 PARIS
Tel : 33 (0)1 44 54 39 00
Metro: Republique
District : Republique
Price Range : 25-40 Euro
Lipp Brasserie
‘Essential in the Parisian scenery , isn’t it the only place where – for the price of a beer – one can get a full and accurate summary of a french political and intellectual day’ ,wrote the poet Leon-Paul Fargue in ” the Pieton de Paris”. Lipp Brasserie has welcomed the following writers Verlaine, Proust, Hemingway, Camus, Malraux.
151, Boulevard Saint Germain 75006 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 45 48 72 93
Metro: Odeon – Mabillon
District : Saint Germain
Price Range : 25-40 Eur
Auberge Dab
This elegant restaurant, which offers in summer one of the finest outdoor terraces in Paris, will offer you its incredible french meat, and a wide choice of fresh and savoury seafood. Car service and selection of cigars. Auberge Dab is renowned in Paris for its seafood – Parisian come here every day either for lunch or dinner.
161, avenue Malakoff – 75016 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 45 00 32 22
Metro: Porte Maillot
District : Defense – Maillot
Price Range : 25-40 Eur
Between Châtelet and the Gare du Nord, created in 1889, Julien is recognised as one of the most beautiful examples of Art Nouveau. The stained glass from the 19th century, the glass paste windows and the red benches await you for an unforgettable moment at the heart of the best Parisian atmosphere. When you step through the threshold of Julien, you enter another world, a bygone age, when women wore hats with veils and men folding top hats. They still adorn the hat stand. There are not many places in Paris where history can be savoured with every mouthful, at every glance and with such authenticity and pleasure. One of our favorite brasseries Paris has to offer.
16, rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis 75010 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 47 70 12 06
Metro: Strasbourg Denis
District : Grands Boulevards
Price Range : 25 – 40 Eur
Art deco style reigns in this brasserie with wood-encrusted, warm-toned marble walls. Note the engraved glass, flamboyant lights, the domed ceiling, the intricate ironwork, the moldings and furniture – you are surrounded by Art Deco. Close to the stock exchange and Agence France Presse.
29, rue Vivienne 75002 Paris
Tel : 33 (0)1 40 20 04 62
Metro: Bourse
District : Opera
Price Range : 30-40 Eura
* * * *
Other Brasseries in Paris
Brasserie de l’Île St Louis
55 quai de Bourbon, 75004
T 01 43 54 02 59.
Fri-Tue 1200-2400, Thu 1800-2400.
M Pont Marie.
41 rue St André des Arts, 75006,
T 01 43 26 48 23.
Mon-Sat 1200-1400, 1900-2330.
M St Michel.
Brasserie Lipp, 151 blvd St Germain, 75006,
T 01 45 48 53 91.
Mon-Sun 1200-0200.
M St Germain.
Les Bookinistes
52 quai des Grands Augustins, 75006,
T 01 43 25 45 94.
Mon-Fri 1200-1430, 1900-2300, Sat 1900-2300.
M St Michel.
Le Salon d’Hélène
4 rue d’Assas, 75006,
T 01 42 22 00 11.
Tue-Sat 1200-1430, 2000-2300.
M Sèvres-Babylone.
Café des Delices,
87 rue d’Assas, 75006,
T 01 43 54 70 00.
Mon-Fri 1200-1430, 1930-2330.
RER Port-Royal.
Ma Cuisine
26 blvd Saint-Germain, 75005,
T 01 40 51 08 27.
Mon-Sat 1200-1430, 1930-2330, Sun 1200-14.30.
M Maubert-Mutualité.
41 rue Monsieur le Prince, 75006,
T 01 43 26 95 34.
Mon-Sat 1200-1430, 1900-0100, Sun 1200-14.30, 1900-2300.
M Odéon.
Café Roussillon,
186 rue de Grenelle, 75007,
T 01 45 51 47 53.
Mon-Sat 0630-0100, Sun 0630-1600.
M La Tour Maubourg.
L’Epi Dupin
11 rue Dupin, 75006,
T 01 42 22 64 56.
Mon 1900-2230, Tue-Fri 1200-1430, 1900-2230.
2 evening sittings, at 1900 and 2100.
M Sèvres-Babylone.
Two- course lunchtime menu at €20, and a four-course menu at €30.
Au Bon Accueil
14 rue de Monttessuy, 75007,
T 01 47 05 46 11.
RER Pont d’Alma.
A low-key restaurant / wine bistro for locals and knowledgeable tourists. Terrace has a fantastic view of the Eiffel Tower.
La Coupole
102 blvd du Montparnasse, 75014,
T 01 43 20 14 20.
Mon-Sun 0830-0100.
M Vavin.
Le Parc aux Cerfs : Brasseries Paris,
50 rue Vavin, 75006,
T 01 43 54 87 83.
Mon-Sun 1200-1345, 1945-2230.
M Vavin.
Set menus at €20/€25 for two/three courses at lunch.
L’O à la Bouche : Brasseries Paris,
124 blvd du Montparnasse, 75014,
T 01 56 54 01 55.
Tue-Thu 1200-1430, 1900-2300, Fri-Sat 1200-1430, 1900-2400.
M Montparnasse.
Set lunches great value at €15 for two courses, €19 for three.
Dix Vins : Brasseries Paris,
57 rue Falguière, 75015.
T 01 43 20 91 77.
Tue-Sat 1200-1430, 1930-2400.
M Pasteur.
Check out the Divine Formule at €17, which changes daily. Cash only.
Le Timbre : Brasseries Paris
3 rue Sainte Beuve, 75006.
T 01 45 49 10 40.
Mon-Fri 1200-1400, 1930-2300, Sat 1930-2300.
M Pasteur.
Tiny yet elegant English-owned eatery the size of a stamp. Bookings essential Gourmet, three-course set lunches at €18 are a steal.
Au Pied de Cochon : Brasseries Paris
6 rue Coquillière, 75001
T 01 40 13 77 00.
24 hrs.
M Les Halles.
Portions are enormous.
Bofinger : Brasseries Paris
5-7 rue de la Bastille, 75004
T 01 42 72 87 82.
Mon-Fri 1200-1500, 1830-0100, Sat-Sun 1200-0100.
M Bastille.
Brasserie Flo
7 cour des Petites-Ecuries, 75010
T 01 47 70 13 59.
Mon-Sun 1200-1500, 1930-0130.
M Château d’Eau.
Le Petit Porcheron : Brasseries Paris
3 rue de Prague, 75012
T 01 43 47 39 47.
Mon-Sun 1215-1430, 1915-0030.
M Ledru-Rollin.
Can be crowded and smoky.
Chez Paul : Brasseries Paris
13 rue de Charonne, 75011
T 01 47 00 34 57
Mon-Sun 1215-1430, 1915-2430.
M Ledru-Rollin.
One of only a few small eateries on weekends.
Le Dauphin : Brasseries Paris
167 rue Saint Honoré, 75001
T 01 42 60 40 11
Mon-Sun 1200-1430, 1930-2230
M Palais Royal.
Special three-course lunch menu at €33 (not Sundays). Speciality is la parilladas – meat, fish or vegetables on a hot plate.
L’Ardoise : Brasseries Paris
28 rue du Mont-Thabor, 75001
T 01 42 96 28 18.
Wed-Sun 1200-1430, 1930-2230.
M Concorde, Tuileries.
One of the best-value eateries in the area.
The Studio Restaurant
41 rue du Temple, 75004
T 01 42 74 10 38.
Mon-Sun 1230-2400 (closed Mon lunchtime).
M Hôtel de Ville.
Large and lively terrace in a charming Marais courtyard (shared with a theatre and a dance school, hence the stomping from the courtyard’s upper windows). Food is Californian Tex-Mex; the house speciality is chicken or beef fajitas (for two). Also good are the Arizona BBQ spare ribs.
Kim Lien
33 place Maubert, 75005
T 01 43 54 68 13.
Mon-Sat 1100-1500, 2000-2300.
M Maubert-Mutualité.
Good Vietnamese cuisine. Weather permitting, eat on the terrace.
Le Passage des Carmagnoles
18 passage de la Bonne Graine, 75011
T 01 47 00 73 30.
Mon-Sat 1000-1500, 1900-2400.
M Bastille. A delightful, small restaurant in one of the many Bastille tight alleyways which once housed the workshops of craftsmen and furniture makers.
Passage Brady
M Château d’Eau.
A pedestrianized alleyway either side of boulevard de Strasbourg – lined with Indian and Pakistani restaurants. A bit tacky but plenty to choose from. Please note: France is not known for its fine Indian cuisine.
Aux Vins des Pyrénées **
25 rue Beautreillis, 75004
T 01 42 72 64 94.
Mon-Sun 1200-1430, 2000-2330.
M St Paul. One of the places to eat out in the Marais for many years. The mosaic floor, red-and-white checked tablecloths and chalkboard menus are only half of it. Great food, slightly more expensive at night.
69 rue Gravilliers, 75003
T 01 42 74 57 81.
Mon-Fri 1200-1430, 2000-2230, Sat-Sun 1200-1600, 2000-2230.
M Arts et Métiers.
A chic couscous restaurant owned by the same man as Andy Wahloo, the trendy bar next door. Overpriced, but diners pay as much for the surroundings as for the food itself.
Chez Marianne
2 rue des Hospitalières St Gervais, 75004
T 01 42 72 18 86.
Mon-Sun 1200-2400.
M St Paul.
Bustling Jewish restaurant serving fresh falafel, houmous, tzatziki, stuffed vine leaves, fried aubergine, kofta, tabouleh and aubergine caviar. Service is slow, has a lively atmosphere.
Piccolo Teatro
6 rue des Ecouffes, 75004
T 01 42 72 17 79.
Mon-Sun 1200-1500, 1900-2330.
M St Paul.
Small vegetarian restaurant specialising in adventurous gratins and fruit crumbles (custard an optional extra). Tables are small and tightly packed, so don’t expect privacy.
Au Gamin de Paris
51 rue Vieille du Temple, 75004
T 01 42 78 97 24.
Mon-Sun 0800-0200.
M Hôtel de Ville, St Paul.
Excellent mushroom soup, pepper steak and duck with honey and figs. The desserts are fantastic, in particular the chocolate cake.
Le Grand Vefour
17 rue de Beaujolais, 75001
T 01 42 96 56 27, F 01 42 86 80 71.
Closed Fri evening, Sat and Sun.
M Palais Royal.
A beautiful French institution. Two Michelin stars. Feast on such delicacies as frog’s legs, lobster and raviolis stuffed with foie gras. Set lunch at €72.
Le Buddha Bar
8 rue Boissy d’Anglas, 75008
T 01 53 05 90 00.
Mon-Sun 1800-0200.
M Concorde.
Look for famous faces from around the world. Swanky restaurant, Asian-influenced cuisine.
Baan Boran
43 rue Montpensier, 75001
T 01 40 15 90 45.
Mon-Fri 1200-1500, 1900-2315, Sat 1900-2315.
M Palais Royal.
Traditionally dressed Thai women serveyou here.
La Fermette Marbeuf
5 rue Marbeuf, 75008
T 01 53 23 08 00
Mon-Sun 1200-1500, 1900-2330.
M Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Art nouveau extravaganza – when booking your table, ask to be placed in the back room, under the glass roof with its delicate stained-glass panes. Three-course lunch menu (not Sundays) €30, à la carte around €55.
Café Rouge
79 ave Kléber, 75016
T 01 44 05 96 15
Mon-Sat 0730-0200, Sun 0900-2000
M Kléber. Sleek new-style brasserie, menu is similarly contemporary, with notes from around the world, such as veal cutlet with dried fruit and the obligatory lamb tagine and roast chicken with tarragon.
Lunchtime – main course and coffee €12; in the evening pay around €17.
Terminus Nord
23 rue de Dunkerque, 75010
T 01 42 85 05 15.
Mon-Sun 0800-0030.
M Gare du Nord.
Visit before catching your train. Since 1870 the restaurant has served Alsatian specialities beneath immense frescoes and brash posters. Pause for coffee and croissants at the bar.
So next time time you looking for somewhere to eat, check out brasseries Paris – let me know if you find one you like.