The annual sales in Paris are held in summer and winter, and the dates are strictly controlled by the Government.
If you happen to be in Paris in June, as you walk around the shops and stores you’ll notice the word “SOLDES” everywhere — which means “SALE”.
When are the summer sales in Paris?
The 2013 summer sales begin on June 26th and go to July 30th, 2013.
When are the winter sales in Paris?
The 2014 winter sales in begin in Paris on January 8th and go to February 11th, 2014.
What’s on sale in these annual sales in Paris?
You name it, you can find it:
- fashion
- jewellery
- clothing
- shoes
- handbags and bags
- fashion accessories
- just about whatever your little heart desires.
Where to find the Sales / “Soldes”
Walk along the popular streets and int he arcades, you’ll find so much being offered at a discount prices inshops and stores all over Paris, in large stores and small trendy boutiques, in department stores, little designer stores in the suburbs to major designer labels and internationally known designer stores.
Make a day of it – go with friends, plan where to have lunch (off the main streets to avoid the shoppers in crowds) and enjoy yourself whilst shopping the annual sales in Paris!